The show featured many prominent poker players over the years, and made other players, such as Garrett Adelstein - one of the top high-stakes pros in Southern California - into household names.Īdelstein is one of the legendary players on the show. Prior to the pandemic, Live at the Bike ran Monday to Friday each week, with the biggest games typically saved for the Friday session. But the city has finally permitted the poker rooms to return to action indoors, and poker players in the area are glad to be back. For most of the past 13 months, LA-area card rooms were closed or operating outdoors due to COVID-19. The return of the popular cash game show is just one sign that the Los Angeles poker scene is back in business. Live at the Bike is one of the longest-standing live-streamed poker shows in the world. The same game will run again - at the same time - on Friday, April 23. “Live at the Bike” is finally back in action. Play begins at 4 pm PT on Tuesday, with a $50/$100 No-Limit Hold’em game with a $10,000 minimum buy-in at Southern California’s famous Bicycle Casino. The popular, live-streamed cash game show, Live at the Bike, a staple in the Los Angeles poker scene, returns to action on April 20. How Much Money Can You Make Playing Poker?.